What is the seal and criteria?
From the second year onwards, the producer begins Environmental Soil Accounting, and will receive the annual CAS seal when the CAS Index for the current year is at least 3% higher than that of the previous year.
After receiving the first stamp, the producer does not receive a new stamp:
• If the management system of the other plots of the property (not measured) is different from the plots monitored by Environmental Soil Accounting.
• If the CAS index is negative more than 3% for three consecutive years.
Fazenda Congonhas (Araxá – MG)
Fazenda Caxambu e Aracaçu (Três Pontas – MG)
Fazenda Reserva Heitor (Patos de Minas – MG)
Fazenda São Tomaz (Rio Verde – GO)
Fazenda Felicidade e Fazenda Santa Mônica (Rio Verde – GO)
Fazenda Vista Alegre (Patrocínio - MG)
Fazenda Batuta (Rio Verde – GO)
Fazenda Agroterenas S/A Cana (Maracaí – SP)
Fazenda Santa Izabel (Jaboticabal – SP)
Fazenda 5 Estrelas (Patrocínio – MG)
Fazenda Tropical (Rio Verde – GO)
Fazenda Morumbi (Motuca – SP)
Fazenda São Carlos (Unaí – MG)
Fazenda Ouro Verde/AH Agropecuária - (Unaí – MG)
Fazenda Água Santa (Perdizes - MG)
Fazenda Jucurutu (Patrocínio – MG)